Events & Programs

Spiritual Direction
Ongoing/Offered Weekly
Spiritual Direction is a relationship in which one person helps another (a Director and Directee) grow in their spiritual life and be attentive to God's presence and invitation. A Spiritual Director has received special training in the art of accompanying another person spiritually. Spiritual Direction is also called spiritual companionship, or holy listening. It is offered at no cost by trained Shalem Institute Directors who meet one on one with individuals interested in exploring a more intimate connection to God and forming a deepening bond with God. Spiritual Direction takes place weekly or semi-monthly in a private place suitable for the quiet spiritual exploration through prayer, imagery, silence and reflection. Spiritual Direction can offer new insights into a reconnection to the soul.
Contact: Bill Hocking: billhocking100@comcast.net; or
Bill Daniel: BDfable@gmail.com

Bereavement Support
Ongoing/Offered Weekly
Bereavement support for those suffering the loss of a loved one is offered at the Woods Care Center in three ways: 1) Individually (weekly); 2) in a Grief Support Group (twice monthly) and 3) in partnership with the Annapolis Veterans Administration supporting service members and veterans and their families (once weekly).
Contact: Bill Hocking: billhocking100@comcast.net

Starting September 18, 2023 through May
In Person Meetings: 4:30 pm on September 18, 2023, October 23, November 20, December 18, January 22, 2024, February 19 March 18, April 22 and May 20.
Zoom Meetings: 10 am on September 16, 2023, every third Saturday through May 18, 2024.
From AGE-ing to SAGE-ing
By Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Ronald Miller
Large Group Room and via Zoom*
Woods Counseling & Care Center, 8 Cypress Creek Rd. Severna Park
Led by Bill Hocking, this seminar presents a new approach to aging, one of life-long learning, healthy lifestyle practices and spiritual growth. It provides an inspirational look at aging and how to have a creative, fulfilling aging process. By “Sageing”, the author refers to becoming “spiritually radiant, physically vital and socially responsible.”
Rabbi Zalman suggests that we “wisdomkeepers” can and should still be learners. Most of us have lived our lives using less than 10% of our brain power. By using part of the remaining 90%, we can develop our “intuition,” using areas of our brains that reach into beauty, creativity and our spiritual selves. He refers to Evolution’s End, a book by Joseph Pearce, which cites studies illustrating how little of the neocortex we humans actually use. The Seminar will delve into our interconnectedness with the earth and nature and taking up the most rewarding work of a lifetime: becoming a sage.
To Register: Contact Bill Hocking at billhocking100@comcast.net or Nancy Sullivan, nsullivan@woodschurch.org.
In Person Meetings: 4:30 pm on September 18, 2023, October 23, November 20, December 18, January 22, 2024, February 19 March 18, April 22 and May 20.
Zoom Meetings: 10 am on September 16, 2023, every third Saturday through May 18, 2024.
Book: Age-ing to Sage-ing (updated 2014 edition) by Rabbi Zalman